A premier service provider to the liquid bulk chemical industry for over 10 years, Briggs Maritime Tank Terminal (Houston) provides unsurpassed storage, transfer and distribution services. Briggs Maritime Tank Terminal (Houston), 100% owned by Briggs Maritime Tank Terminal, is strategically located in the port of Houston, one of the major hubs of the world for the production and export of petroleum products. Briggs Maritime Tank Terminal has been a premier supplier to the liquid bulk petroleum industry for over a decade and remains one of the most fastest growing and sophisticated petroleum tank terminals in the world with its pressurized tanks and nitrogen compensation systems as well as an advanced vapor return system.
we offers a wide range of marine capability to the oil & gas and maritime industries. Our mariners team has many years of experience associated with all offshore vessels and installations. We aim to assist our clients in finding practical solutions to their marine operations and projects and / or protect their interests when sub-contracting or making asset investments.
We offer:
- DP inspections and audits
- Provision of Tow masters and Rig movers
- Vessel inspections
- Pre-charter audits / surveys
- Pre-purchase surveys
- Anchor handling procedures
- All Other Offshore Operations Related Activities
Key project control activities include, inter alia:
- Development and implementation of project procedures
- Review of machinery and equipment purchase orders and specifications
- Development and implementation of project execution plans
- Monitoring of work progress and testing activity
- Monitoring of quality control of each activity throughout the construction
- Attendance at formal safety meetings
- Attendance at Factory Acceptance testing (FAT)
- Audits of subcontractor’s facilities
- Attendance during sea trials and inclining experiments
- Reporting to the CLIENT on a weekly and monthly basis
- Tracking of site queries, observing safety policy, monitoring quality control measures

PHONE: +44851321893.
EMAIL: dv201195@live.com.
WEBSITE: http://briggsmarineconsult.page.tl/